Our beloved Isabel...
I know well enough that there have been dogs so loving that they have thrown themselves into the same grave with the dead bodies of their masters; others have stayed upon their masters' graves without stirring a moment from them, and have voluntarily starved themselves to death, refusing to touch the food that was brought them.
Sweet, beautiful Isabel crossed over on Rainbow Bridge recently. She was a huge part of our lives and of the Sanctuary. We now dedicate this blog to her and all others rescue babies that have passed on to be with God.
Isabel didn't have much of a life. She was taught by humans to fight at a very young age. She went from being taught dog aggression, to the high-kill shelter where she was rescued before being euthanized, and from that shelter to be here with us. We are a Rescue and Sanctuary for dogs like Isabel. We are the ones that give a home to dogs like Isabel. Belle (as we called her) wasn't a fighter because she was born with the desire to fight. Her desire was to always please her human. Belle was dog aggressive because her previous humans wanted her to be a fighting dog! Her life was not a life you would brag about. She lived alone because she couldn't have a dog friend to share things with. She wasn't able to be adopted because no one wants a dog that is dog aggressive. So she lived here in our Sanctuary. Its not a bad place but its not a home with a family either.
I will never understand what people get out of seeing dogs mutilate each other. Isn't there better things to do than to teach a dog to fight? The worse part is that most people get away with mistreating a dog. But the second a dog shows any aggression towards a human...it is destroyed.
We were blessed by having Belle in our lives. We were the lucky ones to be able to wrap our arms around her to steal a hug. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to know and love her! She is truly missed and will be for the rest of my life!
My condolences for your loss. It's wonderful that you took in a dog that so many people would have turned their backs on, either out of indifference or fear, and gave her a home. It's hard to believe sometimes that humans get sick thrills adding to the cruelty in the world by abusing dogs in that way. At least Isabel had a chance to get away from all that, even if she couldn't ever shake off its impact.
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