
I am the Reason...

I would've died that day if not for you.
I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes.
I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands.
I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care
Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted,
skin that isn't flea bitten, good food and enough of it, beds to sleep on,
someone to love me, to show me I deserve love just because I exist.
Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands
Your big heart saved me...
You saved me from the terror of the pound,
Soothing away the memories of my old life.
You have taught me what it means to be loved.
I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me.
I have heard you ask yourself in times of despair
Why you do it
When there is no more money, no more room, no more homes
You open your heart a little bigger, stretch the money a little tighter
Make just a little more room...to save one more like me.
I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes
In the best way I know how
Reminding you why you go on trying.
I am the reason!

My name is Belle and I now have a home. A home in a Sanctuary for Dogs. I have been waiting for a home for years and it seems there isn't a home with humans for me. You see; I don't get along well with other dogs and that causes people to lose interest in me. So I have come to the conclusion that my home is where I lay my head and I lay my head here at 4 Toes Up. Yes it's better than a city shelter but it's still not a home that is all mine.


Blogger Ashley said...

Great Stories - come see my work about dogs (not asking for donations) might make you smile :)

The link is


Say hello while you're there, would love to see you!

6/18/09, 5:55 PM  
Anonymous Sheila said...

That was beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
We too rescued our dog, Chuck.
Some many out there that need homes, yet people continue to breed dogs to make a buck.
If they would not look at dogs as banks, there might be less dogs that are homeless and/or picking a number for the next to be killed.

7/4/09, 7:29 PM  
Anonymous Jane Broden said...

Such a very touching post. Very few people have the heart to save animals.

I hope you can visit this Facebook application which is aimed in saving the dogs as well. It's a fun application tied to a feel-good cause to help dogs, check out Save a Dog: http://apps.facebook.com/save-a-dog/

8/17/09, 12:44 AM  

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