
HOT Short-Nosed Dogs

Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. - Agnes Sligh Turnbull

The lazy dog days of summer, keeping your Bully cool during this time of year, can be a chore. Texas has had now over 40 day's of 100 degree temperature or higher, and with that kind of heat your Bulldog and other short nosed breeds are going to have a tough time. Now, that doesn't mean that long nosed dog's should be out in these conditions either, but that maybe he can stand it a little longer than your Bully.
Short nosed breeds have smaller nostrils and are unable to breathe as well as long nosed breeds, so your Bully will heat up faster than others. Dog's only have two ways they can cool themselves and that is through panting and through the bottoms' of their paws, so when your dog is starting to pant that means he is beginning to get hot, and he needs to be put where it is cool. Now you may think, well my Bulldog pants when he is in the house with the air conditioning running, and yes that maybe true, but his temperature is not going to continue to rise indoors like it would if he were outdoors in the heat. When Humans are hot, they start to sweat and in this process of sweating is how our bodies keep us cool. Dog's way of cooling himself is through panting, it is like a built in fan for them, because it removes the heat that is being produced in their bodies. Have you ever seen your dog place his front paws' in his water bowl during a hot day, and your thinking, yuck, what's he doing, well, he's cooling himself off the quickest way he knows. Dog's sweat only through the pad's of their feet and their noses, and can be cooled off quickly with cool water applied to their paws, so this is the reason why he hangs out in his water bowl. Dog's are less efficient of cooling themselves than we are, so please be aware of your pet during hot days and keep him cool by always having fresh clean, cool water available at all times for him.
If your dog is experiencing any of the following:
Intense panting,
Elevated heart rate,
Drooling extensively,
Lethargy or fatigue,
His gums can become a intense red color at first and then become a pale, grey pink,
He might want to lie flat out on his stomach,
Stagger or become disoriented, and at this point he may start having seizures or collaspe.
You will need act quickly! First, you will need to start, by lowering his body temperature by applying rubbing alcohol to the pad's of his feet, (and keep do it until he is feeling better) and apply cool water to his body. Offer him ice cubes if he is alert and able to lick on them, and if he is not, then place him in an air conditioned vehicle and call your Veterinarian from the car, on your way to his/her office.
Always keep in mind that your dog can experience the same feelings as humans, and does not mean that he can handle situations better (and/or worse) just because he is a dog. You are his human and he is depending on you for protection. Until next time, 4 Toes Up!


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